Poulin Health & Wellness - Press Articles


If you don't follow us on Instagram, you might not have seen our recent articles in several publications. Our CEO Nicholas Poulin is written up with several Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Lizzo, Jennifer Garner, and many others because he's known for being an exercise specialist. Please see the below links to our press content.

Jennifer Garner Just Proved Jump Roping Is the Cardio Challenge Your Workout Routine Needs

As impressive as Garner's skills are to watch, they're even more impressive to imitate. Skipping rope is a total-body workout—toning shoulders, arms, butt, and legs—and burns more than 10 calories per minute. It's a major cardio workout that's "good for your heart and lungs, as well as your mind," according to Nick Poulin, CEO and founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City.


What's more, it improves agility and ankle mobility, so the more you jump rope, the stronger your joints will become and the less likely you'll experience lower leg injuries, he explains. Since it can warm up your entire body in just a few minutes, it's a great addition to any routine as a warm-up or finisher. If you want to jump rope as an hour-long workout, Poulin says you can burn a whopping 1,300 calories, which can go a long way if weight loss is the goal. And, finally, rounding out jump roping's impressive resume is the fact that's it can be really fun—evidenced by the smile planted on Garner's face.

The Workouts Lizzo Does to ~Feel Good As Hell~ While She's On the Road Touring

As the name suggests, kneeling lat pull-downs work the latissimus dorsi muscle, giving you that tapered "V" shape from the shoulders to the waist, says Nick Poulin, certified trainer and CEO/founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City. Plus, isometric holds not only amp up the overall intensity of the workout, but they also help to build tendon and ligament strength, encouraging the body to learn the right form of the exercise.

When performing lat pull-downs, it's essential to keep your neck and back neutral, explains Poulin. "Pull with your elbows, not with your biceps," he says. "The double cable neutral-grip lat pull-down is a brilliant exercise with which you can build your back and arm muscles and develop upper-body strength."

Poulin also notes that this exercise can be performed unilaterally (meaning one side at a time). "Therefore, to get the [most] benefits, you should sometimes perform it unilaterally," he suggests.

In another Instagram Story, Lizzo is seen doing barbell back squats on a Smith machine while Ely encourages her through each rep, reminding her to breathe along the way.



“Landmine exercises are single-arm barbell exercises,” says Nicholas Poulin, trainer, founder and CEO of Poulin Health and Wellness. “These are movements that can be done with a landmine machine or by placing one end of the barbell in the corner of a room where it’s stabilized by the two walls forming a right angle and bolstered with a heavy dumbbell.” Basically, you’re using one end of a barbell while the other is on the ground as a pivot point. 

Landmine exercises switch up your training and get you doing more lateral movements, which more realistically mimic real life. “Using landmine movements can bring about a change of stimulus, introducing variety and helping increase benefits from training.” “It’s a great way for people, especially those with injuries, to perform compound movements.” Plus, she points out that it’s an easy one-piece-of-equipment way to get a full-body workout.

All sorts of staple strength training moves can be done in a landmine format, including lifting, squatting, and pressing, all of which Poulin says are great for beginners. “[Landmine exercises] are a safer way to progressively move into free weights without going straight into a fully loaded barbell,” he says. Just stay consistent with the weight you’re using, and slowly build up to add more of a challenge as you get stronger.

Jennifer Lopez Prepped for the Golden Globes In the Best Way


A-Rod also shared a video from the workout, and by the looks of it, J. Lo was up to her usual. In the video, she's seen doing kneeling wide-grip lat pull-downs using two sides of a cable machine. The move works the latissimus dorsi muscle, which can help create the tapered "V" shape from the shoulders to the waist, Nick Poulin, certified trainer and CEO/founder of Poulin Health & Wellness in New York City, previously told us.